Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Outing to the movies

This was Lawrence s first trip to the movies. We wanted to take him sooner but there was never something good for him playing or we never got around to it. So we used the opportunity that Up was playing and went all to watch it on 3D. When we got inside of the cinema room he wouldn't stop staring at the screen and was totally fascinated with the size of it, calling it big movie!
It was a cute and funny movie and I enjoyed it myself. At the end of the showing Lawrence was asking to watch it again. Ha!
His favorite character
Lawrence with his 3D glasses
5 more weeks to go...
Mom with grand kids
He was fascinated by all the lights
Fun after the movie


Josh said...
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Josh said...

Gostei muito as fotos! O Lawrence tá um fofo e o seu barrigão tá lindoooo! hehe
Saudades de vc Joana...te amo muito!